Tuesday, May 3, 2011


So, I started this post a while ago, but I never took the time to finish it! Life has been crazy and we're kindof in a limbo situation right now. Ellie and I are living with my mom and dad and David is in Provo living with his sister so he can keep working at BYU. He is working 4 week days, then comes to Roosevelt on the weekend. It's crazy, and we are still waiting to hear back from KAPL about David's security clearance, so we don't even know for sure when we're leaving to NY!

Anyway, Ellie's growing up so fast! She turned 4 months old on May 1st and she's such a joy to have around! She loves to just jibber jabber and tell stories ALLLLL the time! It's so fun. She stopped sleeping through the night, which is totally crappy, but she's still a happy baby MOST of the time. She has her bad days every once in a while.

I took her for her 4-month check-up on May 6th and she is growing well! As of that day, she was 13 1/2 lbs and 24 3/4 inches tall. Her height is in the 66th percentile, weight in about the 40th, and her head is still small in the 23rd percentile. She had to get 2 shots, which upset her a lot, but not as much as the first time she got them. The dr. noticed that she has two little bumps on her lower gums, so she could be getting some teeth soon.

Things about her at 4 months old:
  • she drools a ton!
  • eats every 3 1/2-4 hours
  • she wears size 1-2 diapers, but they're getting a bit small because she's chunky :)
  • tolerates tummy time longer than before
  • looks at you when you say her name
  • smiles a lot, and occasionally laughs at the silly things
  • loves to play with her giraffe toy
  • hates to be left alone in a room
  • still loves to be talked to and loves when we sing to her
  • LOVES to be outside
  • loves to sit in the swing
  • loves to sit on my lap while I swing
Ellie's just getting cuter and cuter as the days go on! Her little bald spot she rubbed on the back of her head is finally filling in, which makes me happy, BUT to the naked eye it still looks bald because her new hair is growing in WHITE BLONDE!! Who ever thought that I'd have a bright white blonde little baby girl? Not me! She definitely gets that one from her daddy! She's getting more and more fun as she grows up, but it makes me sad that she's growing up so quickly. If only time could slow down!

Well, I can't think of much else to say right now. I'm getting pretty terrible at this blogging thing. Maybe I'll get better at it once I have a better routine and my own place to live! Life is so crazy right now, and I will be MUCH happier when we finally make it to NY and settle down for at least a couple months!

Hope everyone's doing well, and I'll hopefully have another post soon!
