Monday, December 13, 2010

Pregnancy updates!

So, I have been super bad at doing any updates lately, but I will attempt to make up for it this time!

I had my 36 week appointment LAST week, and everything was good. My weight was in the normal range, I measured right on at 36 cm and the baby's heartbeat was 150 bpm. Everything else was normal. They didn't check me but I had told them that I had had a few contractions the previous week.

The end of the 36 week appointment.

TODAY, I had my 37 week appointment (YAY FULL TERM!)!

I got to tell my midwife all about our lovely deer-hitting experience and she was very glad that I had gone in to the hospital to get checked out.

My weight was the exact same as last week--making my total weight gain during pregnancy 25 lbs. I measured right on today at 37 cm and the baby's heartbeat was 150 yet again.

They checked me today (hurray) and I am 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced. She is still head down and very low so I'm hoping this means some good news is coming our way soon...a.k.a. a baby before Christmas!

Not much else of note has happened pregnancy-wise. I am extremely uncomfortable (shocking, isn't it?), I don't sleep well at night and I still have killer heart burn!

I am pretty much ready to be done with being pregnant, but I think I shouldn't get my hopes up quite yet. I don't want to be disappointed if I don't have the baby before my due date, so I will just say I'm going to be 7 days late instead. Worst case scenario...I'll actually be 7 days late and I will get just what I expect.

I have already had a few people say when they think she's going to make her debut and here are some answers:

My sister Tyra says I'll go into labor tonight and have her sometime soon after. Hah.
Grandma Holman thinks I'll have her a week from today on the 20th. We'll see!

Make a guess on when you think she'll finally come along!

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