Monday, December 20, 2010

38 weeks

So, I had my 38 week appointment on the 20th and everything is looking good. I was still dilated to a 1 despite all the contractions and false labor I had had throughout the week. I was however, 70% effaced instead of 60% effaced so I guess some improvement is better than nothing!

The baby's heart rate is still in the 150s which is good and normal and she's still head down (she better stay that way, too!)

I was very unfortunate on Sunday and got very very sick with a stomach bug. I had a miserable afternoon throwing up, having the chills and a fever. I was happy that I didn't end up going into labor because I would have had absolutely NO energy to deal with anything!

Since the passing of my sickness, I've been feeling quite well. I'm sleeping through the night about every other night, so I am happy about that. The only trial has been pelvic pressure/groin pain when I'm trying to roll to my other side in bed, or to sit up from bed. It's getting really really uncomfortable and intense, but I guess it's a sign that she's closer to coming...and that's exciting!

We got the baby's room all set up and ready to go. The only things we're missing are our lovely car, and the baby! Thankfully, the car is being repaired and will be ready to pick up on the 28th. I can't wait to have it back.

Anyway, not much else is new...we're just waiting for our little girl to decide to make her appearance! I finally got around to taking pictures, so enjoy!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pregnancy updates!

So, I have been super bad at doing any updates lately, but I will attempt to make up for it this time!

I had my 36 week appointment LAST week, and everything was good. My weight was in the normal range, I measured right on at 36 cm and the baby's heartbeat was 150 bpm. Everything else was normal. They didn't check me but I had told them that I had had a few contractions the previous week.

The end of the 36 week appointment.

TODAY, I had my 37 week appointment (YAY FULL TERM!)!

I got to tell my midwife all about our lovely deer-hitting experience and she was very glad that I had gone in to the hospital to get checked out.

My weight was the exact same as last week--making my total weight gain during pregnancy 25 lbs. I measured right on today at 37 cm and the baby's heartbeat was 150 yet again.

They checked me today (hurray) and I am 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced. She is still head down and very low so I'm hoping this means some good news is coming our way soon...a.k.a. a baby before Christmas!

Not much else of note has happened pregnancy-wise. I am extremely uncomfortable (shocking, isn't it?), I don't sleep well at night and I still have killer heart burn!

I am pretty much ready to be done with being pregnant, but I think I shouldn't get my hopes up quite yet. I don't want to be disappointed if I don't have the baby before my due date, so I will just say I'm going to be 7 days late instead. Worst case scenario...I'll actually be 7 days late and I will get just what I expect.

I have already had a few people say when they think she's going to make her debut and here are some answers:

My sister Tyra says I'll go into labor tonight and have her sometime soon after. Hah.
Grandma Holman thinks I'll have her a week from today on the 20th. We'll see!

Make a guess on when you think she'll finally come along!

Oh, deer!

Yesterday while traveling home from Roosevelt, David and I had the great (more like horrific) experience of hitting a deer.

Yep. We were about 20 minutes out of Roosevelt, maybe even less. It went like this:

I was talking to David and playing a game on my phone, as I do oft times while traveling to keep myself occupied. I looked down and continued to play a bit of bejeweled and David and I were no longer talking. The next thing I knew...*SMACK/WHAM/THUD/SMASH* and a jerk of the car. David said, "We just hit a deer." and I didn't know what to think! David calmly slowed the car down and pulled over. We were both OK and he called 911 while I called my parents to tell them the sad news.

Apparently, this now very dead doe decided to run/jump/leap across the road as we were coming, and thought that it might win. Well miss doe, you lost. The score is deer=0 car=0 Shari and David=1. David had just set the cruise control to 65 about a mile before we hit the deer. He saw the deer just before we hit it but didn't have enough time to do anything but hit it, so he braced for impact, held the steering wheel tight and wham. The damage was done. Luckily, the deer was in the air when hit it, trying to jump away. It was also a lucky thing that it hit his side of the car so I didn't get too much of the impact.

The DNR officer was the first person to show up after the people behind us stopped. She checked to see if the deer was dead and sure was. We broke all of its legs and tossed it to the other side of the road. At least I can feel good that it had a quick death, and didn't have to suffer...stupid deer anyway!!

Anyway, we waited around for the trooper to show up for a while, but we kept ourselves occupied while we waited. David got all the insurance business settled and my mom showed up. We sat in her car while the UHP trooper did the paperwork and almost 2 hours after we left Roosevelt, we were on our way back for the night.

After we got to my parent's house, David and I went to the hospital just as a precaution to get me and the baby checked out. I was monitored for about 30 minutes and there was no sign of labor, or anything so they let me go.

We stayed the night in Roosevelt and came back this morning in the good ole S10. I loathe that truck but I'm thankful that we were able to get back home because of it.

Now we are just waiting to hear from our insurance rep to see what they're going to do about the car. They may decide to total it, which would be sad because I love my car, and I kind of just want it back...

Oh yeah, David walked away without any bruises, but I wasn't so fortunate. I've just got a sore chest right where the shoulder belt was. It's not fun, but hey, we walked away virtually unharmed. I'm very thankful that things turned out OK and that nothing worse happened. It was also a huge blessing that we hit the deer not to far from Roosevelt so my parents could help us out.

I'm glad it's mostly all the way over and I sure hope it never happens again!