Sunday, July 25, 2010

I think it's finally time for another post!

It's been about 3 weeks since I updated last--but really there's not too much going on these days!

Today I'm 17 weeks 1 day pregnant! I went to my 16 week appointment on Wednesday and everything seems to be going well. I have gained a few pounds and I have a little bit of a belly that's trying to poke out! I'm FINALLY over the morning sickness part of this pregnancy...well mostly. I had two bad days this last week but I think the worst of it is really over. I'm measuring right where I'm supposed to be which was great to hear for my fear of being pregnant with twins! I can be about 90% sure that there's really only ONE baby in there :)

I scheduled my 20 week ultrasound for August 17th and I am SO stinkin' excited! I am excited to know if this little baby inside of me is a boy or a girl! I'm still banking on it being a boy, but we'll see in just a few weeks!

I've started feeling the baby move more and more which is strange but cool at the same time. I also just got into the "I'm always feeling hot" stage of pregnancy and I'm SO glad that I'm due in the winter so I don't have to live with being huge and hot in the middle of the summer!

Enough about the pregnancy!

Here's what we've been up to lately:

This weekend we both had Friday off for the observance of Pioneer Day. It was so much fun to sleep in and have time just be a bum all I wanted in the morning. ha ha. We went to the Mount Timpanogos Temple and then grabbed lunch on our way back. We also stopped at Simply Mac to get a cable to hook my MacBook up to our TV. The screen is broken officially--and is totally un-fixable. The cable will have to do for now and I like that I still get to use my mac, even if it means sitting in front of the TV.

Later Friday afternoon, my friend Hillary came to visit and we had a blast doing lots of random things. We went shopping, had some fun and walked around BYU campus. It was great to have Hillary to have fun with while David stayed at home doing what he does every day--lots and lots and lots of Organic Chemistry homework.

Now for our Saturday adventure: Saturday morning we went to the Orem Firefighter's breakfast at Macey's in Orem. It was alright--but it was no Scout breakfast in the Basin! The food was served from big metal pans and it was cold and rubbery. I think this was the first year I have ever missed the Scout Breakfast so I was a little bit sad. Anyway, after our sad breakfast that was for a good cause, we grabbed some snacks and headed up Provo canyon to the Sundance area. We have wanted to go on a certain hike since David proposed to me so we headed up to Stewart Falls. It's about 4 miles total and MAN am I feeling it today! It was great to get some much needed time outside and exercise.

After the hike, we went home and cleaned up, took a quick nap and got ready to head up to SLC for the Real Salt Lake game with my brother and his wife. We ate dinner at Chili's and headed on our way to the game. Traffic sucked but we were able to find free parking which was awesome!

The game was a lot of fun even though it ended in a tie! We scored an AWESOME goal which was so fun to see and I think Chivas USA (the team we played) got lucky with their goal--it wasn't really skill related! Oh well. The game ended in a great fireworks show and I even got to see a good friend from my first year of school.

We got home super late and hit the sack. It was a great fun-filled weekend and it was very much needed! I'll add pictures later because I'm thinking I'm ready to do something else.

1 comment:

Debra Hawkins said...

Congratulations on the baby! That is so exciting! I am glad you were happy to find the Marv N' Joe Recipe. It is one of my favorites!