Tuesday, June 22, 2010

12 weeks

So here it is, 12 weeks 2 days! I had my second dr. appointment today for my physical exam and to hear our little one's heartbeat. The appointment brought both good news and bad news. Good news: there's definitely a little baby inside there! After trying a few things, we finally heard the heartbeat and it was crazy! It all becomes so real once you hear that little heart beating! Other good news: I should start to feel better soon and get over the sickness. (keyword should)

Bad news: I've dropped 4lbs since my last appointment 1 month ago and they aren't very happy about that. It's due mostly to the fact that I have a hard time eating much of anything these days because of nausea. So they are having me try something for the nausea and if it doesn't work by Thursday I'm calling them to get a prescription drug that should do the trick. Bad news number 2: My iron is a bit low so I need to boost it up by eating more iron rich foods and supplementing my diet a little more. Bad news number 3: If you heard about my crazy sumatriptan InstaCare adventure this will make sense. I explained this situation to my midwife and she said that it sounded like a stroke which made me cringe inside. I should have gone to the E.R. instead of the InstaCare because they would have done a more thorough exam and figured things out. Doesn't give me much peace of mind but hey, what can I do at this point? I just hope it really wasn't a stroke because heaven's....I'm ONLY 21!!

Everything else in life is going well. I'm still exhausted most days and I barely make it through a work day. Other than that I'm doing well. Hopefully I get my weight back up where it needs to be and I can actually gain something instead of lose it all!

Stay tuned for more fun updates about baby philippe. Great name, huh? All D's idea. ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Goodness! Glad you and the baby are okay and so happy you heard the heartbeat. Isn't that a miracle? Just love it. David, make sure you take care of Shari so she can get the rest she and the baby need! Love you both!