Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Home Sweet Home!

So, I am overjoyed. I got to leave the beautiful city of Logan EARLY! I got to come home yesterday, and now basically, I'm home for a whole week! I am getting many things done, such as decorating my tree for the enchanted forest (it's like the festival of trees on a MUCH smaller scale), working for the good ole floral, and just chilling at home! I love home so much! It's just such a nice place to be! I also love family. I sincerely believe that when you're with the ones you love, you can't be happier, and that's where I am right now. I love my parents so much, and being here with them is so much fun.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


As the semester's end is drawing near, stress is building and so is my list of things to do! Although this semester is easier when it comes to homework, it's also very stressful! Keeping up with school, work, pageant, family, friends, and social life is rough!

Nonetheless, I'm doing well. I'm trucking along just fine gearing up to write a paper about Hong Kong and deciding if it could ever be a fully democratic state. I'm also getting my last programs in for the year for my residents. I think I could have done a much better job this semester as an RA, but that's why we're always learning, right?

As far as the life of Miss Uintah Basin goes, I went home and recorded some ads for Channel X94. They should start airing tomorrow, and I have to say, I'm quite stoked! I'm going to a workshop this weekend, so we'll see how things work out. I hope I learn many useful tips when it comes to interviewing, since that is the focus of the workshop.

Also, I just want to express my gratitude for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know it's true without a doubt! I'm so blessed every day, and sometimes I think I really forget how blessed I am. Something in particular is just the fact that institute has been tailored to me! I love my class. I'm taking "The Miracles of Jesus" and it is so amazing. I love that class. Today and Monday we talked about forgiveness, and really forgiving others can be so easy if we just flat out do it! Something else really awesome that just has been reiterated to me throughout the past month is the fact that there is not ANYTHING that the atonement doesn't cover. Really, it can be used in EVERY aspect of our lives if we just let it! It's so amazing!

Well, I'd love to stay and write all about my life, but my bed is beckoning me to indulge myself in the soft cotton sheets and sink into my fluffy pillow--and since I've taken the "I stay up until 3 every night" road for the past who knows how long, I think that giving in to the temptation my bed has put out is the smartest thing I could do. My brain isn't even comprehending anything anymore, so studying is useless anyway!! So, really I have no reason to still be awake! Hopefully I'll update some of my adventures I've had soon...there's been some great ones as always!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tag! I'm it!

20 years ago:
1. I was almost born.
2. My parents were probably excited to have another girl.
3. In exactly 4 months and 27 days I would have been alive for about 7 hours.

10 years ago:
1. I was in 4th grade!
2. I went to Disneyland.
3. I danced in two groups. Jazz and clogging.

5 years ago:
1. I started High School.
2. I ran cross country and track and played co-ed soccer.
3. I was learning how to speak Japanese!

3 years ago:
1. I was the Jazz singer for my High School's Jazz Band.
2. My grandmother passed away the day my family and friends threw a surprise birthday party for me.
3. Gasoline was $2.49/gallon and I drove a little green Chevy S10.

1 year ago:
1. I started College at Utah State University, and I LOVE IT.
2. I worked for USU in the International Programs Department.
3. I thought I knew my life plan, but boy, was I wrong!

This year so far:
1. I was crowned as Miss Uintah Basin 2008, and I'll be competing at Miss Utah this June!
2. I'm an RA at the LLC at Utah State.
3. I have had many trials with boys, but I'm not giving up.

1. I slept in until 8:30 am.
2. I was home with my family.
3. My heart was broken slightly, and I went out on a limb and sang a song to Ben.

1. I went to class with a bad attitude, but left very happy.
2. Helped Ben with an assignment that he owes me for!
3. Committed to become thin!!!!

1. I have to get lots done.
2. I will be recording a Radio Air Check.
3. I'm going to exercise and love it.

Next Year:
1. I will not be a teenager!
2. I will be in the top ten of Miss Utah...mark my words!
3.I could be not single? or I could be single? Nobody knows?

Now I tag Tabitha