Monday, January 19, 2015

Neglected blog-quick life updates

I'm ashamed to see how long it's been since I've taken the time to write some thoughts about our family! So this is going to be a catch-up bullet list post of SO many things that have changed since the twinjas (new terminology since the last update. Twin Ninjas) were 5 months old. I did have some unfinished posts that I went ahead and published anyway, because, why not?

Life is crazy these days. It's constant chaos, constant mess, and I pretty much feel like I'm drowning 100% of the time! Then you throw in having to take care of 3 crazy strong willed children and you can imagine how I feel on a daily basis! Hah!

However, I can't imagine life any differently! How lonely and sad would my life be if I didn't have my family?! They're my world. They make me crazy but I'm crazy about them. They're a blessing even when they do things like write on my walls, throw food across the room and headbutt me because I told them it's nap time.

It's overwhelming to think about the amount of things I should be doing (rather things I THINK I should be doing) everyday. The truly important things are the things that matter most: spending time with my children, teaching them, watching them play, helping them learn and develop their own personal talents and little personalities and take care of my home.

Most of the time that means my house is a wreck. I had an "ah ha" moment a while back, and it was to take the time at the end of the day to think about things I HAD accomplished. I have had a hard time thinking of all the would-be's or could have dones that I would beat myself up over it. Instead, I decided to take a step back and look at what the positives were from that day. Every day I've done this, I've found that I've fed my children healthy nutritious food, played with them and helped them with their problems. So what that the laundry didn't get put away (again)! So what that my bedroom is a wreck, there is clutter all around and that I haven't organized my guest room? Now I'm not saying it's not important to be neat and orderly, it totally is, but this is the season in my life. I have 3 kids that move faster than I do and they're not going to care or remember if the house is perfectly clean! They're going to remember playing with mom and learning to cook, read and imagine, and that's more important to me.

I've had a hard time learning to let things go (to a point) but I am honestly a happier, nicer person when I do. Along with that as a goal, I am committed to write down memories of my children. Stories of things they did that day that were funny, sad, anything. So hopefully I can keep that goal and focus on what's really important--making memories and recording them!

Big girl Ellie

Here are some updates of Ellie in July of 2013 at 2 1/2 years old. I wished I had written more at the time but here I am publishing it 1 1/2 years later!

Ellie went poop on the potty all by herself for the first time! No prompting on 7/11/13

At her 30 month check up she was 37.25 inches tall and 27.8lbs

Ellie has a huge vocabulary. She talks in full sentences all the time!

Here are some of Ellie's favorite things:

Sparkly shoes
minnie mouse car
watching "shows"
Curious George
Endless Alphabet

Favorite foods:

Least favorite foods:
anything new

10 Months

This is all I had written about the boys at 10 months. If I can remember more, I'll add to it and hopefully get around to adding pictures!

The twins are 10 months old. That flew by SO FAST! They are growing up so wonderfully, and they're so much fun, despite all the work!

Today I noticed Kyle has a new tooth poking through next to his other tooth, and Cameron's second tooth is just about to poke through. This explains the awful sleeping habits/whining/crying/fits/etc. etc. etc.

Let's pray the rest of teething isn't as horrible.

6 Months, 7 months and 8 months

Here's another late post about the boys. I'll add pictures soon!

Uhm, blog fail.

The last few months have been crazy busy. With the twins becoming more active and mobile, I've been stuck sitting with them pretty much all the time and I've grossly neglected the ole bloggy!

I'll just do a quick update about each month I neglected!

6 months:
Cameron's Stats:

He weighs 15lb 13oz (17th%
He is 25" long (2nd%)
and his head is 40cm (8th%)

Kyle's Stats:

He weighs: 18lb 2oz (62nd%)
He is 26.5" long (42nd%)
and his head is 43 cm (61st%)

  • Both boys can sit mostly alone, only falling here and there
  • Both boys on hands and knees and rock back and forth.
  • Cameron on hands and toes a lot.
  • Babies try solids for the first time a few days after turning 6months old. They tried avocado first, and were kind of indifferent to it, but were fascinated with food! As the month progressed, they learned to love eating and some favorites are:
    • Avocado
    • Blueberries
    • Strawberries
    • Bananas
    • Purely O's (organic cheerio's)
    • Toast
    • Pasta & Suace
    • Chicken
  • First time swimming on Memorial day with cousin Isaac & G&G Grigsby

7 months:

June 26th Cameron clicks tongue
Both babies learn to blow raspberries while in Utah
Kyle learns to throw things on the ground and respond to uh-oh
Cameron & Kyle both pull up to stand
While in Utah both babies walk along furniture, though Kyle much more than Cameron
Favorite foods:
Strawberries, raspberries, bananas, pasta, blueberries,

Dairy sensitivity discovered in Kyle

1st plane ride for both boys on June 25
June 20 Cameron crawls consistently
June 6th Kyle crawls
Kyle starts saying "da da"
Cameron says "ga ga"
Both boys got ear infections and had horrible allergy + dryness issues while in Utah!
Nursing 6-8x a day. Solids 1-2x a day
Sleep: 2 naps, morning & afternoon. Bedtime around 8-8:30, Still not STTN but becoming predictable...waking at 11 & 4-5ish. UP for the day at 7.

8 months:

Both boys crawl like mad, go from crawling to sitting, pull up to stand on everything.
Kyle walks with toys like the activity table, and walks along furniture.
Penicillin Allergy discovered in Cameron.
Both babies get Hand Foot & Mouth Disease & sleep HORRIBLY!!
Nursing 6-8x a day.Solids 1-2x a day
Sleep is awful. Up at least 2-3x a night.