Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ellie: 13 months

Ellie's another month older, and she's just seeming bigger and bigger to me! She's learning to say some words (in her own language of course) and has so much personality, I can't even stand it sometimes. She is mostly happy, except for right now, because she's sick! We went to the dr. yesterday for her ear-tube surgery follow-up and found out that one of the tubes was plugged with fluid, and the other probably had some fluid. Both her ears were full of fluid, and he didn't like that. We hadn't seen any drainage yet, (which is when you start putting antibiotic drops in her ears) but he says we would have seen it in a day or two. Ellie's been pretty awful the last few days, so I hope these little ear drops do the trick! If not, I'll be taking her to her pediatrician for a hefty treatment of antibiotics...the exact thing I thought I wouldn't be doing less than 1 month after having ear tubes put in...

Ugh. It seems we just have the worst of luck here in the Grigsby residence. At least with sickness we have bad luck.

Anyway, here are some things about Ellie at 13 months:

  • She can say ma ma, da da, papa(grandpa), wow, go and kick.
  • She loves to jibber jabber.
  • She loves to sing the theme song to the Backyardigans.
  • She loves to dance to any and all music.
  • She loves other little kids.
  • She barks whenever she sees ANY animal. Especially cats and dogs. They're her favorite!
  • She LOVES to walk outside and if we let her, she'd probably just take off and wander around for hours!
  • She loves to eat and is doing better at eating a variety of veggies.
  • She loves to wear jewelry. Necklaces, bracelets, rings, you name it.
  • She also loves to wear clothes on her head.
  • Bath time is still one of her favorite activities.
  • Her best friend is our little neighbor, Alexis, and she runs to the door when you ask her if she wants to go see Lexi.
  • She's got 3 teeth and will soon have 4! The bottom two have been around for a while, but she only has the top right so far.
  • She takes 2 naps a day, but sometimes they're not very long. Naps have been crazy lately, with the sickness, and all!

She's such a cutie pie and we love to have her in our family. I don't know what I'd do without her. Life would be pretty boring. She keeps us on our toes and we're so thankful for that!

p.s. this blogging thing is not for me lately. I haven't felt like writing anything down for the longest time! That needs to change, though. I think once I get over this cold completely, I will take the time to write about Christmas, Ellie's surgery and anything else that's going on in our lives!