Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ellie being silly

Tonight Ellie was being SO cute and funny. She started making this cute little "coo" that made us laugh so we decided to catch it on video! The first time I tried, she stopped right after I turned my Flip Video on because she got distracted by the red light. So, when she started doing it again I decided to keep the camera at an angle so she wouldn't see the light. Enjoy! I split it up into 2 videos for faster uploading.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby girl is 2 months old!

Well, the day came and went and Ellie turned two months old! I can't believe how big she's getting and how long it's been since I had her! CRAZY!

We went to her two-month check-up on March 3rd and she is a very healthy little girl! She weighed 10 lbs. 3 oz and was 22 1/4 in. long. She's got a little it's in the 10th percentile! But her height and weight are in the 40 and 30 percentile.

Sadly, Ellie had to go through 3 shots! She was fine after shots one and two, but tensed up for the third shot--so the nurse hit a vein and she SCREAMED and bled like crazy. Right after the appointment, we headed to Roosevelt to help my mom get ready for Jared and Kassie's wedding. Had I been prepared and a smart mom, I would have given Ellie Tylenol right after the shots. Well, unfortunately, my mom had no Tylenol so I was late giving it to her. She cried and cried and cried and cried and CRIED for a few hours. It was so SO sad! Never again will we make this mistake. It was heartbreaking to hear her cry so much.

Thank goodness we don't have to go through that again until May!!

Anyway, Ellie is still a VERY happy baby. She is letting her little personality shine through so much now and it's so adorable! She is full of goo's, coo's and ahh's. She loves to smile and will almost always give us huge gummy smiles when changing her diaper because she LOVES to look at the pictures above her changing table.

She was on a pretty strict 4 hour nursing schedule, but now that I've gone back to work she's kind of all over the place. No matter how long it's been since she ate, when I get home from work she wants to nurse right then and she lets us know that. It's sweet though, because it's great bonding time for Ellie and me after being apart for 6+ hours.

Here are some notable things about Ellie at 2 months:
  • She still loves bath time
  • She HATES tummy time if she's not on the boppy (we're trying to get her liking tummy time so she can get strong little muscles in her neck!)
  • She clearly recognizes me from pretty far away, and is a total mommy's girl (seriously, today was a testament of that. I got home from work and she had been screaming for David for the past half hour...the minute I took her from him, she was as happy as can be and just cuddled up to me)
  • She loves to listen to us sing and talk to her
  • She likes when we have conversations with her
  • She does very well with a bottle, and she has one every M,T,W and Friday while I'm at work.
  • She's starting to laugh a little bit and it is so hilarious!
  • She makes hilarious faces and is quite good at raising her left eyebrow and making a great face. I need to catch it on camera soon!
  • She loves sitting in her bouncy seat and kicks and and flails her arms all over because she gets so excited.
  • She still HATES sitting in the swing and looks at the motor with disgust and a face that says, "Why are you making that noise, and why won't you stop??"
  • She still is a little cuddle bug and loves to snuggle almost anyone
Pretty much our little girl is the cutest little girl ever and we love her SOOOO much! I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a mother. It has brought me the greatest joy ever, and it is such a wonderful blessing that David and I have.

Here are some pictures! Enjoy!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pictures from V-Day

So, I found the cable to my camera on the shelf of the computer desk. Right in front of my nose. Figures!

Here are the pics from V-Day and throughout the last month or so.

David and I decided to decorate cookies for V-Day and did so on Sunday. We had a lot of fun and the cookies were quite yummy, too!

This is the necklace & earring set David got for me.

Flowers and jewelry. Yay! :)