Monday, May 10, 2010


Let's see, here's what's happened since the last real post. I mean the one BEFORE the Mary Kay promo.

First off, David and I went up to Logan on May 1st for the end of the year Broadcast party and loved it! We also went bowling with two of my good friends from my sophomore year of college. Zack and Hillary are probably two of the most fun people I know, so of course we had a blast!

Us with a great arm's length photo taken by David.

David pretending he's cool or something. ;)

Me pretending to know how to bowl.

Two awesome people: Hillary and Zack!

Let's see, what else has happened since then? Probably something big and noteworthy....something like USU Spring 2010 Commencement! Yes, the rumor is true...I DID graduate! Even if I have 2 classes left to take, I still graduated. Pictures to come later. My camera ended up being dead from the weekend before, so all the pictures are on my mom's camera.

Life has been hectic and crazy around the Grigsby residence. We're still both working, and starting next Monday, we'll both be working and going to school again!

Sidenote...even if I said I hate Provo and UT county, there are some definite perks to living here. I get to see my Grandma a lot more than when we lived in Logan, my brother and his cute family, and my cousins and aunt and uncle! Of course David has a sister who lives here too, and we drop in a lot and bug them too! I love being close to family! Even if I can't be where the bulk of my family is right now, I still get to have some family around. I love it!

Well, folks. I think it's time to say sayonara. I'm ready to let this dreadful Monday end. Keep your eyes and ears open for more posts, because I have a feeling I'll have a reason to blog more in the coming months, with finishing school all the way and it being summer and all.