Thursday, April 1, 2010

Birthday, New Car, Job...the works!

So, I want to get back into blogging like I used to. Ok, maybe I never blogged consistently...but the intent was totally there!

First things first, I'm LEGAL! My birthday was great, but I ended up getting sick! I got a cold and it's a pretty rough one! Other than that, I loved my birthday. I got a car! I love it so much!!! It's actually my brother's car, and I am glad we got it from them!! It's everything I wanted...and more! It's a Pontiac G6. Tuesday night, we went out to eat for my birthday and we went to Outback Steakhouse! I got a super yummy teriyaki marinated steak. One word: yum! Today, I had the pleasure of renewing my driver's license. After 1.5 hours of standing in line/sitting in an over-crowded room of anxious people, I finally got it and managed to pull off a good picture! Thank goodness!

So, the happy news is now over and from here on out will be the sad and upsetting news. If you'd like to close the window, go ahead, jk. I've been working at a company that hired me and 9 other people temporarily with the thought that MAYBE we'd all get to stay on the team a little longer than originally planned--if not permanently. Well, sadly we don't get to stay! I'm officially losing my job on May 7th. Not to be a downer or anything, but this sucks! I mean it seems like right when we get things planned out and get comfortable with finances and schedules, BAM! things change instantly! It happened in Logan, too. We were doing pretty well for ourselves and then we had to up and move here, to Provo. I was looking for a job for 2 months and then this blessing came along! It seems like just as fast as I got it, it's going to be over! No worries though, I have complete faith that things will work out if we just keep relying on the Lord and do everything in our power to live our lives the way we should!

K, the last part of this post is about today. April Fool's day! I thought I'd be pretty clever and just post two words as my FB status this morning: December 4th. If you do your math correctly, you'll know that this date is roughly 9 or so months it got a lot of response! Sadly, it's not true yet! But don't worry, I'd let everyone know in a much better and perhaps more cryptic way that we were expecting!

Well, my post must come to an end, because I cannot breathe through my nose, and it's driving me buggy! I'm going to hit the hay by 9:45 if all goes well! Sadly, David is still up on campus, working on a HUGE Chemical Engineering project. Oh yeah--Happy news--David got 100 on his latest test! I knew he would! He's so smart and he works super hard to understand everything! I have the best husband case anyone was wondering. He's the nicest man on this planet and loves me for me! No more mushiness, I promise!

I'm sure it'll be another month before I post something "real" again!
