Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Life since the last post!

  • Brace yourself, this is a random post, of little snippets of what's been going on!
  • Life is great...minus one thing. I'm STILL unemployed! I've applied to about 30 jobs, which is a lot in my book, but maybe not enough? I had an interview yesterday in Lehi, so we'll see what I hear back from that company. I think I'd like the job, but I was nervous in my interview, so I don't know what to think.
  • Provo is different. It's too busy, full of incompetent drivers and lonely. I'm still learning where to go for what, and I've decided that I don't like Provo much. But, I do like our apartment. It's nice, and it's what we need right now. I still want to try getting some bookshelves, so I can organize all the books we have! Other than that, it's a great place to be :)
  • Finals went well. I got great grades minus my NFS 3110 grade...which was a B, and all the other grades were A's, which makes me happy! Go 3.81 this semester! Woot.
  • We got new tires! It's like our car is a completely different car! I actually like driving now.
  • Mary Kay. Mary Kay Mary Kay Mary Kay. Moving is hard with Mary Kay. I'm not as outgoing as I could be with Mary Kay because I'm a wuss. But, I had this great idea a while ago to have an open house with all my products. I invited people on Facebook, (pathetic, I know) and it sounded like maybe at least 5 people would show up, but nope. David and I sat at home for 3 hours not doing a darn thing. So, this is another idea I'm doing at the moment. I like making goodies, so I figured I'd make some for my neighbors. To go along with the yummy treats, I'm adding a sample look and my business card. I also wrote a poem to go with it, and it's actually not too bad! Hopefully people enjoy it, and maybe it will get me some business in the future? Here's the poem:
  • The weather is frightful,

    But, here’s something delightful.

    A treat to share

    To show we care.

    A look for you

    That’s something new.

    Be joyful and celebrate with all you may,

    For soon it will be Christmas day.

    Merry Christmas


    Happy New Year!

  • What's next? Christmas!!! I'm excited for David and my first Christmas together, because it will be when we can make traditions for our new family! So far this is my traditions list:

1. Jammies on Christmas Eve...of course. It wouldn't be right without that!
2. Seeing the lights at Temple Square...we're going tonight!
3. Making goodies for the neighbors...the cookies smell great!
4. Donating to the food bank...Need to still drop it off, but I've got a bag together!
5. Decorate a tree together...done, done and DONE! Granted, it's kinda homely looking, but it's out first tree. :)
6. Listen to lots of Christmas Music!...EVERY day. :)

I'm sure I'll think of more!