Saturday, February 21, 2009


Here I sit, thinking and pondering on one subject everyone has in common...Life.

As I think about the roller coaster of life and its turns and tilts, I wonder how we do so much. Seriously. Just in my own life I've got many things to worry about. There's school, Being an R.A., being Miss UBIC, Preparing for Miss UT, family issues, friend issues, dating, and the list goes on and on....and on.

I guess my reasoning for writing this note is just that life is so hectic, yet I don't feel like I'm going to die because of all the stress. Thankfully, things are going well enough that I can stay on top of my tasks and still have time for myself.

It's now been two months since I surrendered myself to Dr. Cooley's scalpel, and I've improved DRAMATICALLY! I have a full range of motion, but the only thing I don't have is strength. I love being almost there though! I have two more weeks before I can run, and that gives me so much hope and things to look for!!! I have not been able to run and not have extreme knee pain since I was about 17.

Anyway, this blog post is kinda weird, and I don't really know why I started it, and now I'm wondering if I should even finish it...

I think when I started writing it, I had a reason and I wanted to make some profound point, but now I think I just want to stand up, take seven steps to the west pick up my tooth brush and toothpaste, brush my teeth, take seven steps to the east five steps north, climb into the lovely thing next to the window they call a bed, and sleep all my cares away! So, that's exactly what I'll do now. Perhaps when I am not so exhausted from dancing, I'll post something worthwhile and fun...

Goodnight world of blogging.